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Evening Prayer

Church Candles
Evening Prayer

A candle is lit.


Look upon us, O God,

and may the darkness vanish before 

your brightness.

Fill us with holy love,

and open to us the treasures of your wisdom.


Show us your glory and satisfy our longings

then our peace shall be perfect.

(based on St Augustine, 354 - 430)


Come, bless the Lord, 

all you servants of the Lord, 

you that stand by night 

in the house of the Lord.


Lift up your hands towards the sanctuary

and bless the Lord.


The One who made heaven and earth 

give you blessing out of Zion.


God was in Christ reconciling 

the world to himself,

and has entrusted us 

with the message of reconciliation.


Glory to God, Source of All,

Word of Truth and Breath of Life:

as it was in the beginning, is now, 

and shall be forever.  Amen.


A prayer of penitence


Most merciful God, we confess to you 

before the whole company of heaven

that we have sinned in thought, word and deed, and in what we have failed to do.


Forgive us our sins, heal us by your Spirit and raise us to new life in Christ.  Amen.


If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Amen.  Thanks be to God.


A hymn or song may be sung.


The prayer of the evening


O God, in whom there is no darkness, 

with whom the night is as day:  

enlighten us by your presence, that waking or sleeping we may dwell in your peace, 

in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Reading(s) from Scripture and Spiritual Works


There may be a time of meditation, a short reflection or a word of testimony at this point.

Nunc Dimittis - The song of Simeon


O Holy One,

let your servant go in peace;

your promise has been fulfilled.


For I have seen with my own eyes

the salvation you have prepared for all:

a light to reveal you 

to the whole world

and the glory of your people, Israel.


Glory to God, Source of All,

Word of Truth and Breath of Life:

as it was in the beginning, is now, 

and shall be forever.  Amen.


The Companions' Prayer


Generous God, who filled St Barnabas 

with faith and the Holy Spirit and 

gave him the ministry of encouragement;

continue to inspire our community 

to minister faithfully and love generously 

as we give thanks for all who minister to us; through Jesus our faithful Companion.  Amen. 


These, or some other prayers, may be said: 


Christ through whom all things were made: 

sustain all creation


Christ exalted in the lowest and the least: 

give us humility


Christ present in the poor and oppressed: 

fill us with compassion


Christ forsaken in the hungry and homeless: 

minister to them through our hands


Christ present where two or three are gathered:

be known among us.


Christ present in word, sacrament and sign:

grant us your peace.

(taken from The Methodist Worship Book)


The Lord's Prayer is said.


Lord our God, at the ending of the day, and in the darkness and silence of this night,

cover us with healing and forgiveness, that we may take our rest in peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Let us bless the Lord

thanks be to God.


May the souls of the faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in peace and rise in glory.  Amen.

Companions of Barnabas

Encouragement in Ministry

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